Saturday, June 11, 2011

Busy Little Spoon

Well, hello there! It's been two months today since I've had time enough to even think about our blog. We've had a lot of things happen in 2011 already and I'm going to catch you up on life a Mr. & Mrs. Spoon.

February - I hosted a baby shower for my little sister to celebrate the upcoming birth of her first child and my new nephew. The very same weekend we got a new sister-in-law and step-niece, which was a complete surprise. My brother and his wife were married in Missouri in a private ceremony on Feb 18, 2011. Big Spoon and I were incredibly busy with our jobs. I picked up some freelance work and began a web design class.

March - I painted a mural in my soon-to-be nephew's nursery and on March 31, 2011, we welcomed baby Jayden into the world. I also sold a bunch of left over wedding stuff that month and made back around $200.

April - We purged the house of unwanted/unused items and took a car load full of stuff to Goodwill. My parents came down and helped me strip the kitchen of 16-year-old wallpaper. We painted, hung new curtains and began "refreshing" our home. I picked up another freelance job.

May - Big Spoon left for a five day conference in Canada and his parents came to visit over Memorial Day weekend. I got my portfolio together and went on a job interview (no small task, I assure you).

And here we are in June. Already?! I can't believe it. Big Spoon and I have been married for 8 months, I turn 29 tomorrow and best of all .... I HAVE A NEW JOB!

So, all in all, two months of being busy and not blogging has paid off. I hope to get back in the blogging groove soon, so if you're interested in newlywed life and hopefully a few home decor DIYs, we'll be here!


  1. A busy year indeed ! Congratulations on your new job ! So exciting :)
    Happy almost birthday ;)
    Bisous !

  2. Congrats!!!! I hope you're new job makes you SO happy!

  3. Thank you, ladies! I really appreciate your comments and encouragement :)

  4. Congrats on the new job! What are you doing???
